Grace UMC remains vigilant and committed to keeping our Sanctuary a safe place to worship. We are all aware of the global rise of a new variant called “omicron”, which from all indications has a transmission rate faster than the “delta” strain. Viruses constantly change through mutation and sometimes these mutations result in a new variant of the virus. Some variants emerge and disappear while others persist. New variants will continue to emerge. We believe and encourage vaccination/booster as one’s first-line of defense in contracting and/or transmission of these viruses.
Effective Sunday, January 2, 2022, seating in the sanctuary will be specifically designated and worshippers will be directed to those seats only. Non-seating areas will be appropriately marked and remain empty during the service. Every effort will be made to keep families that live in the same household together, but understand there may be some exceptions. Additionally, we want to emphasize that worshippers should register in the Narthex and be seated prior to the start of the 10:00 am service.
Face Masks: We ask that worshippers wear a mask that has several layers of particulate filtration efficiency, specifically, the N95 or KN95 mask. Masks will be available should you not have one. As currently mandated, the mask must remain on during your worship experience at Grace.
We want to stress that these requirements remain fluid as the transmission of these viruses occur. We hold each of you dearly in our hearts! Therefore, it is for the safety of all that we initiate these new requirements.
Questions regarding vaccination or COVID Protocols may be directed to the Grace UMC Re-Entry Team at [email protected].
Protocols are subject to change based on the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Prince George’s County, and Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church (BWCUMC) guidance on doing Ministry safely during the Coronavirus Pandemic. December 29, 2021
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